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Ugo Amoretti
Goals Allowed: Overall
1CDN03/04/1928Dominante - Juventus1 - 1MuneratiAmoretti23' sp0 - 1
2SerA09/25/1932Juventus - Padova3 - 1CesariniAmoretti16' fp1 - 0
3SerA09/25/1932Juventus - Padova3 - 1CesariniAmoretti27' fp2 - 0
4SerA09/25/1932Juventus - Padova3 - 1Ferrari G.Amoretti22' sp3 - 1
5SerA02/26/1933Padova - Juventus1 - 1Ferrari G.Amoretti38' sp1 - 1
6SerA04/08/1934Genova - Juventus0 - 2Borel IIAmoretti32' fp0 - 1
7SerA04/08/1934Genova - Juventus0 - 2Varglien IIAmoretti28' sp0 - 2
8SerA06/02/1935Fiorentina - Juventus0 - 1Ferrari G.Amoretti36' sp0 - 1
9SerA11/03/1935Fiorentina - Juventus1 - 1Varglien IIAmoretti21' fp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-9 of 9 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Ugo Amoretti