Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Giordano Negretti
Goals Allowed: Overall
1SerA12/22/1985Juventus - Lecce4 - 0Serena A.Negretti22' fp1 - 0
2SerA12/22/1985Juventus - Lecce4 - 0Serena A.Negretti43' fp2 - 0
3SerA12/22/1985Juventus - Lecce4 - 0PlatiniNegretti6' sp3 - 0
4SerA12/22/1985Juventus - Lecce4 - 0PlatiniNegretti12' sp4 - 0
5SerA04/27/1986Lecce - Juventus2 - 3Mauro M.Negretti24' sp0 - 1
6SerA04/27/1986Lecce - Juventus2 - 3CabriniNegretti34' sp1 - 2
7SerA04/27/1986Lecce - Juventus2 - 3Serena A.Negretti40' sp1 - 3
8CI08/24/1986Lecce - Juventus0 - 2Serena A.Negretti12' fp0 - 1
9CI08/24/1986Lecce - Juventus0 - 2Serena A.Negretti34' fp0 - 2
10SerA04/28/1990Lecce - Juventus2 - 3Garzya own goalNegretti30' sp1 - 3
Show Rows 1-10 of 10 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Giordano Negretti