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Juventus Women
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Gastone Cazzaniga
Matches played: Overall
1SerA02/09/1969Palermo - Juventus1 - 162 
18' sp
2SerA01/04/1970Juventus - Bari1 - 045 
1' sp
3SerA12/13/1970Varese - Juventus0 - 088 
44' sp
4SerA01/31/1971Juventus - Catania5 - 059 
15' sp
5CdF04/28/1971Juventus - Köln (GER)2 - 085 
41' sp
6CU09/15/1971Marsa (MAL) - Juventus0 - 664 
20' sp
x 2
7SerA02/27/1972Roma - Juventus1 - 154 
10' sp
8SerA05/28/1972Juventus - LR Vicenza2 - 082 
38' sp
9CI06/25/1972Juventus - Inter2 - 185
1' sp
41' sp
10CI08/30/1972Novara - Juventus0 - 145 
1' sp
11CdC09/13/1972Olympique Marseille (FRA) - Juventus1 - 086 
42' sp
12CdC09/27/1972Juventus - Olympique Marseille (FRA)3 - 079 
35' sp
13SerA12/30/1972Juventus - Atalanta0 - 074 
30' sp
14SerA02/11/1973Juventus - Lazio1 - 071 
27' sp
15SerA05/20/1973Roma - Juventus1 - 245 
1' sp
16CI06/17/1973Inter - Juventus1 - 161 
17' sp
17CI06/20/1973Reggiana - Juventus1 - 272 
28' sp
18CI07/01/1973Juventus - Milan1 - 197 
8' fet
Show Rows 1-3 of 3 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Gastone Cazzaniga