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Daniele Padelli
Goals Allowed: Overall
1SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4Vidal penaltyPadelli14' fp0 - 1
2SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4VučinićPadelli46' fp0 - 2
3SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4Giovinco S.Padelli8' sp0 - 3
4SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4Giovinco S.Padelli26' sp0 - 4
5SerA01/19/2013Juventus - Udinese4 - 0PogbaPadelli41' fp1 - 0
6SerA01/19/2013Juventus - Udinese4 - 0PogbaPadelli21' sp2 - 0
7SerA01/19/2013Juventus - Udinese4 - 0VučinićPadelli27' sp3 - 0
8SerA01/19/2013Juventus - Udinese4 - 0MatriPadelli35' sp4 - 0
9SerA09/29/2013Torino - Juventus0 - 1PogbaPadelli9' sp0 - 1
10SerA02/23/2014Juventus - Torino1 - 0TévezPadelli30' fp1 - 0
11SerA04/26/2015Torino - Juventus2 - 1PirloPadelli35' fp0 - 1
12SerA10/31/2015Juventus - Torino2 - 1PogbaPadelli19' fp1 - 0
13SerA10/31/2015Juventus - Torino2 - 1CuadradoPadelli49' sp2 - 1
14SerA03/20/2016Torino - Juventus1 - 4PogbaPadelli33' fp0 - 1
15SerA03/20/2016Torino - Juventus1 - 4KhediraPadelli42' fp0 - 2
16SerA03/20/2016Torino - Juventus1 - 4MorataPadelli18' sp1 - 3
17SerA03/20/2016Torino - Juventus1 - 4MorataPadelli31' sp1 - 4
18SerA01/15/2022Juventus - Udinese2 - 0DybalaPadelli19' fp1 - 0
19SerA01/15/2022Juventus - Udinese2 - 0McKenniePadelli34' sp2 - 0
Show Rows 1-19 of 19 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Daniele Padelli