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Arnaldo (II) Sentimenti
Goals Allowed: Overall
1SerA10/10/1937Juventus - Napoli2 - 1Borel IISentimenti II40' fp1 - 0
2SerA10/10/1937Juventus - Napoli2 - 1Borel II penaltySentimenti II49' sp2 - 1
3SerA02/13/1938Napoli - Juventus1 - 1Gabetto G.Sentimenti II35' fp0 - 1
4SerA10/09/1938Juventus - Napoli1 - 0De Filippis L.Sentimenti II31' sp1 - 0
5SerA02/19/1939Napoli - Juventus4 - 1SantiàSentimenti II16' sp3 - 1
6SerA05/26/1940Juventus - Napoli2 - 1BelliniSentimenti II26' fp1 - 0
7SerA05/26/1940Juventus - Napoli2 - 1TomasiSentimenti II38' sp2 - 1
8SerA10/27/1940Napoli - Juventus2 - 2LushtaSentimenti II2' fp0 - 1
9SerA10/27/1940Napoli - Juventus2 - 2Borel II penaltySentimenti II12' fp0 - 2
10SerA01/25/1942Juventus - Napoli1 - 1OlmiSentimenti II1' sp1 - 0
11SerA06/07/1942Napoli - Juventus4 - 1Rava penaltySentimenti II43' sp4 - 1
12CDN06/09/1946Juventus - Napoli6 - 0PiolaSentimenti II25' fp1 - 0
13CDN06/09/1946Juventus - Napoli6 - 0MagniSentimenti II2' sp2 - 0
14CDN06/09/1946Juventus - Napoli6 - 0CosciaSentimenti II7' sp3 - 0
15CDN06/09/1946Juventus - Napoli6 - 0PiolaSentimenti II23' sp4 - 0
16CDN06/09/1946Juventus - Napoli6 - 0Borel IISentimenti II35' sp5 - 0
17CDN06/09/1946Juventus - Napoli6 - 0Locatelli U.Sentimenti II39' sp6 - 0
18SerA03/23/1947Napoli - Juventus3 - 3CandianiSentimenti II2' sp1 - 1
19SerA03/23/1947Napoli - Juventus3 - 3VycpálekSentimenti II16' sp1 - 2
20SerA03/23/1947Napoli - Juventus3 - 3Candiani penaltySentimenti II23' sp3 - 3
Show Rows 1-20 of 20 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Arnaldo (II) Sentimenti