Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
UEFA Champions League
106/06/2015Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)1 - 3BuffonRakitić4' fp0 - 1
206/06/2015Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)1 - 3BuffonSuárez23' sp1 - 2
306/06/2015Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)1 - 3BuffonNeymar52' sp1 - 3
406/03/2017Juventus - Real Madrid (SPA)1 - 4BuffonRonaldo20' fp0 - 1
506/03/2017Juventus - Real Madrid (SPA)1 - 4BuffonCasemiro16' sp1 - 2
606/03/2017Juventus - Real Madrid (SPA)1 - 4BuffonRonaldo19' sp1 - 3
706/03/2017Juventus - Real Madrid (SPA)1 - 4BuffonAsensio45' sp1 - 4
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