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Giuseppe Gaspari
Goals Allowed: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall
1Amic08/19/1961MTK Budapest (UNG) - Juventus3 - 3 YesYesMolnár2' fp1 - 0
2Amic08/19/1961MTK Budapest (UNG) - Juventus3 - 3  YesSzimcsák I.22' fp2 - 1
3Amic08/19/1961MTK Budapest (UNG) - Juventus3 - 3  YesKároly35' fp3 - 2
4Amic09/05/1961Israel (ISR) - Juventus3 - 3 YesYesRatzabi3' fp1 - 0
5Amic09/05/1961Israel (ISR) - Juventus3 - 3  YesMenchel38' fp2 - 2
6Amic09/05/1961Israel (ISR) - Juventus3 - 3  YesMenchel6' sp3 - 2
7Amic12/06/1961Ivrea - Juventus2 - 2 YesYesCanavesi6' fp1 - 0
8Amic12/06/1961Ivrea - Juventus2 - 2  YesCanavesi10' fp2 - 0
9Amic05/15/1962Juventus - Hungary (UNG)0 - 2   Solymosi14' sp0 - 2
Show Rows 1-9 of 9 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Giuseppe Gaspari