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Amauri Carvalho
Goals Scored: Friendlies - 2008/09
First Period Goals Scored
1Amic07/11/2008Mezzocorona - Juventus1 - 7 Yes Macchi15' fp0 - 1
2Amic07/11/2008Mezzocorona - Juventus1 - 7   Macchi18' fp0 - 2
3Amic07/11/2008Mezzocorona - Juventus1 - 7   Macchi32' fp0 - 3
4Amic07/11/2008Mezzocorona - Juventus1 - 7   Macchi36' fp0 - 4
5Amic07/11/2008Mezzocorona - Juventus1 - 7   Macchi40' fp0 - 5
6Amic07/23/2008Brøndby IF (DAN) - Juventus1 - 2 YesYesAndersen35' fp0 - 1
7Amic07/27/2008Borussia Dortmund (GER) - Juventus1 - 3 Yes Weidenfeller5' fp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-7 of 7 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Amauri Carvalho