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Juventus Women
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Giuseppe Vavassori
Matches played: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall - 1960/61
1Amic08/21/1960Cuneo - Juventus2 - 545 
1' sp
2Amic08/27/1960Como - Juventus1 - 445 
1' sp
3Amic09/03/1960LR Vicenza - Juventus1 - 245 
1' sp
4Amic09/07/1960Juventus - MTK Budapest (UNG)3 - 262 
18' sp
5Amic12/22/1960Ivrea - Juventus1 - 475  
6Amic12/29/1960Casale - Juventus0 - 645 
1' sp
7Amic01/19/1961Ivrea - Juventus1 - 730 
1' sp
8Amic02/01/1961Asti - Juventus1 - 890  
9Amic02/23/1961Reggina - Juventus2 - 390  
x 2
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Friendly matches
Giuseppe Vavassori