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Giuseppe Vavassori
Goals Allowed: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall - 1960/61
Away Goals Allowed
1Amic08/21/1960Cuneo - Juventus2 - 5   Cravero19' fp1 - 1
2Amic09/13/1960Bologna - Juventus2 - 0 Yes Perani5' sp1 - 0
3Amic09/13/1960Bologna - Juventus2 - 0   Perani43' sp2 - 0
4Amic12/22/1960Ivrea - Juventus1 - 4 Yes Duvina7' fp1 - 0
5Amic01/19/1961Ivrea - Juventus1 - 7   Sterisp1 - 7
6Amic02/01/1961Asti - Juventus1 - 8   Gaio37' fp1 - 4
7Amic02/23/1961Reggina - Juventus2 - 3   Sospetti20' sp1 - 3
8Amic02/23/1961Reggina - Juventus2 - 3   Lavalle41' sp2 - 3
Show Rows 1-8 of 8 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Giuseppe Vavassori