Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
108/08/1965Juventus - Juventus De Martino6 - 2Colombo An.Pandolfi penalty15' sp4 - 1
208/08/1965Juventus - Juventus De Martino6 - 2Colombo An.Furino25' sp4 - 2
311/22/1967Juventus - Castor Rivoli5 - 1Colombo An.Castano I own goal14' sp3 - 1
412/06/1967Juventus - Pinerolo8 - 1FioravantiTo attribute8 - 1
505/30/1969Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)2 - 3Anzolin R.Rifé27' fp1 - 1
605/30/1969Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)2 - 3Anzolin R.Rexach32' fp1 - 2
705/30/1969Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)2 - 3Anzolin R.Bustillo43' fp1 - 3
806/04/1969Juventus - Barcelona (SPA)0 - 1Sarti G.Zaldúa43' fp0 - 1
906/07/1969Juventus - Dundee United (SCO)0 - 1Anzolin R.Gillespie44' fp0 - 1
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