Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Goals Allowed
Overall - 2009/10
1SerA08/30/2009Roma - Juventus1 - 3BuffonDe Rossi35' fp1 - 1
2SerA09/24/2009Genoa - Juventus2 - 2BuffonMesto31' fp1 - 1
3SerA09/24/2009Genoa - Juventus2 - 2BuffonCrespo30' sp2 - 1
4SerA10/04/2009Palermo - Juventus2 - 0BuffonCavani37' fp1 - 0
5SerA10/04/2009Palermo - Juventus2 - 0BuffonSimplício42' fp2 - 0
6SerA11/07/2009Atalanta - Juventus2 - 5BuffonValdés6' sp1 - 2
7SerA11/07/2009Atalanta - Juventus2 - 5BuffonCeravolo26' sp2 - 3
8UCL11/25/2009Bordeaux (FRA) - Juventus2 - 0BuffonMenegazzo9' sp1 - 0
9UCL11/25/2009Bordeaux (FRA) - Juventus2 - 0BuffonChamakh49' sp2 - 0
10SerA11/29/2009Cagliari - Juventus2 - 0BuffonNenê30' fp1 - 0
11SerA11/29/2009Cagliari - Juventus2 - 0BuffonMatri44' sp2 - 0
12SerA12/12/2009Bari - Juventus3 - 1BuffonMeggiorini7' fp1 - 0
13SerA12/12/2009Bari - Juventus3 - 1BuffonBarreto P. penalty44' fp2 - 1
14SerA12/12/2009Bari - Juventus3 - 1BuffonAlmirón36' sp3 - 1
15SerA01/06/2010Parma - Juventus1 - 2ManningerAmoruso N.26' fp1 - 1
16SerA01/17/2010Chievo Verona - Juventus1 - 0BuffonSardo33' fp1 - 0
17CI01/28/2010Inter - Juventus2 - 1BuffonLúcio26' sp1 - 1
18CI01/28/2010Inter - Juventus2 - 1BuffonBalotelli44' sp2 - 1
Show Rows 1-18 of 18 Page 1 of 1