Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Michele Paolucci
Matches played: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall
1Amic07/10/2004Team Salice - Juventus0 - 421 
25' sp
2Amic07/18/2004Pavia - Juventus2 - 415 
31' sp
3Amic08/17/2005Juventus - Juventus Primavera0 - 190     
4Amic03/22/2006Cirievauda - Juventus0 - 411 
35' sp
5Fiat05/24/2008Parma - Juventus3 - 345  
6Amic05/30/2008Melbourne Victory (AUS) - Juventus1 - 445 
1' sp
7Amic05/23/2010New York Red Bulls (USA) - Juventus3 - 134 
12' sp
8Amic05/25/2010Juventus - Fiorentina0 - 128 
18' sp
Show Rows 1-8 of 8 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Michele Paolucci