Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Official matches
Italian Cup
106/21/1942Milano - Juventus1 - 1 
206/08/1958Pro Vercelli - Juventus1 - 1 
306/29/1961Juventus - Torino2 - 2Match finished 3-2 after penalty kicks
406/04/1967Bologna - Juventus1 - 1Match finished 3-4 after penalty kicks
506/03/1973Bologna - Juventus0 - 0 
606/17/1973Inter - Juventus1 - 1 
706/15/1977Juventus - Lecce1 - 1 
806/26/1977Lecce - Juventus1 - 1 
906/09/1981Roma - Juventus1 - 1 
1006/15/1983Inter - Juventus0 - 0 
1106/12/1985Milan - Juventus0 - 0 
1206/12/2020Juventus - Milan0 - 0Match played behind closed-door for Prime Minister Decree due to the health emergency due to the Covid19 epidemic.
Match originally scheduled in date 03/04/2020 and not played for health emergency due to the Covid19 epidemic.
1306/17/2020Napoli - Juventus0 - 0Match finished 4-2 after penalty kicks
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