Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Goals Scored
1CI1Cat06/06/1909US Milanese - Juventus1 - 2Borel E.De Simoni28' fp0 - 1
2CI1Cat06/06/1909US Milanese - Juventus1 - 2Barberis A.De Simoni5' sp1 - 2
3C1Cat06/07/1914Juventus - Casale1 - 0Collino IIGallina I25' fp1 - 0
4C1Cat06/21/1914Genoa - Juventus4 - 1Boglietti IICosta F.26' fp0 - 1
5C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1Vojak IRizzi5' fp1 - 0
6C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1HirzerRizzi33' fp2 - 0
7C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1Hirzer penaltyRizzi35' fp3 - 0
8C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1HirzerRizzi36' fp4 - 0
9C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1HirzerRizzi38' fp5 - 0
10C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1HirzerRizzi39' fp6 - 0
11C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1MuneratiRizzi40' fp7 - 0
12C1Div06/20/1926Juventus - Mantova8 - 1MuneratiRizzi35' sp8 - 1
13CDN06/05/1927Torino - Juventus2 - 1Vojak IBosia45' fp0 - 1
14CDN06/19/1927Genoa - Juventus2 - 3RosettaDe Prà13' fp1 - 1
15CDN06/19/1927Genoa - Juventus2 - 3HirzerDe Prà40' fp2 - 2
16CDN06/19/1927Genoa - Juventus2 - 3Ferrero M.De Prà25' sp2 - 3
17CDN06/26/1927Juventus - Inter1 - 3HirzerDegani13' sp1 - 3
18CDN06/24/1928Milan - Juventus3 - 1Vojak ICompiani26' fp0 - 1
19CDN06/02/1929Venezia - Juventus1 - 1PerazziSantarello24' sp0 - 1
20CEC06/23/1929Juventus - Slavia Praha (RCE)1 - 0MuneratiPlánička17' sp1 - 0
21SerA06/01/1930Juventus - Roma2 - 1ZanniBallante42' fp1 - 1
22SerA06/01/1930Juventus - Roma2 - 1CesariniBallante43' fp2 - 1
23SerA06/15/1930Juventus - Padova3 - 1CesariniColognese8' sp1 - 0
24SerA06/15/1930Juventus - Padova3 - 1CesariniColognese24' sp2 - 0
25SerA06/15/1930Juventus - Padova3 - 1CesariniColognese38' sp3 - 0
Show Rows 1-25 of 306 Page 1 of 13