Juventus Next Gen
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Serie A
106/14/1931Brescia - Juventus1 - 1OrsiPeruchetti26' fp0 - 1
206/28/1931Livorno - Juventus1 - 1Ferrari G.Lami8' fp0 - 1
306/05/1932Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus2 - 4Monti L.Smerzi15' fp1 - 1
406/05/1932Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus2 - 4Ferrari G.Smerzi12' sp1 - 2
506/05/1932Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus2 - 4Ferrari G.Smerzi38' sp1 - 3
606/05/1932Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus2 - 4OrsiSmerzi40' sp1 - 4
706/04/1933Bologna - Juventus1 - 2Borel IIGianni17' fp0 - 1
806/04/1933Bologna - Juventus1 - 2OrsiGianni35' sp1 - 2
906/18/1933Genova - Juventus3 - 2CesariniBacigalupo M.5' fp1 - 1
1006/18/1933Genova - Juventus3 - 2RosettaBacigalupo M.38' sp3 - 2
1106/02/1935Fiorentina - Juventus0 - 1Ferrari G.Amoretti36' sp0 - 1
1206/02/1940Liguria - Juventus0 - 2TomasiProfumo26' sp0 - 1
1306/02/1940Liguria - Juventus0 - 2Borel IIProfumo29' sp0 - 2
1406/07/1942Napoli - Juventus4 - 1Rava penaltySentimenti II43' sp4 - 1
1506/01/1947Brescia - Juventus1 - 1KorostelevSacchetti I.38' sp0 - 1
1606/08/1947Sampdoria - Juventus0 - 3Boniperti G.Pi.Bonetti39' fp0 - 1
1706/08/1947Sampdoria - Juventus0 - 3AstorriBonetti41' sp0 - 2
1806/08/1947Sampdoria - Juventus0 - 3Boniperti G.Pi.Bonetti44' sp0 - 3
1906/22/1947Venezia - Juventus0 - 2Boniperti G.Pi.Griffanti14' fp0 - 1
2006/22/1947Venezia - Juventus0 - 2PiolaGriffanti14' sp0 - 2
2106/29/1947Livorno - Juventus2 - 2Candiani penaltyMerlo39' fp2 - 1
2206/29/1947Livorno - Juventus2 - 2MuccinelliMerlo36' sp2 - 2
2306/06/1948Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 4Boniperti G.Pi.Moro G.3' sp1 - 1
2406/06/1948Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 4KincsesMoro G.10' sp1 - 2
2506/06/1948Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 4MagniMoro G.40' sp2 - 3
Show Rows 1-25 of 47 Page 1 of 2