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Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Mauro Camoranesi
Matches played: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall
1TIM07/31/2002Juventus - Inter0 - 045     
2BMor08/07/2002Juventus - Chelsea (ING)0 - 045     
3Ber08/18/2002Milan - Juventus0 - 020 
26' sp
4Amic08/31/2002Lazio - Juventus2 - 278 
34' sp
5Amic07/27/2003Barcelona (SPA) - Juventus2 - 230 
16' sp
6BMor08/03/2004Palermo - Juventus0 - 045     
7Amic08/03/2005Politehnica Timișoara (ROM) - Juventus2 - 290     
8Gamp08/24/2005Barcelona (SPA) - Juventus2 - 279 
35' sp
9TIM08/31/2006Inter - Juventus1 - 133 
10Amic08/06/2008Manchester United (ING) - Juventus0 - 060 
16' sp
11Amic07/21/2009Juventus - Vicenza1 - 145 
1' sp
12CP08/02/2009Juventus - Aston Villa (ING)0 - 089 
45' sp
Show Rows 1-12 of 12 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Mauro Camoranesi