Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
Serie A
101/31/1932Juventus - Pro Patria7 - 2CombiCazzaniga35' fp2 - 1
201/31/1932Juventus - Pro Patria7 - 2CombiCazzaniga penalty33' sp5 - 2
302/19/1939Napoli - Juventus4 - 1BodoiraPiccini28' fp1 - 0
402/19/1939Napoli - Juventus4 - 1BodoiraRocco42' fp2 - 0
502/19/1939Napoli - Juventus4 - 1BodoiraMian15' sp3 - 0
602/19/1939Napoli - Juventus4 - 1BodoiraMian44' sp4 - 1
702/11/1940Modena - Juventus1 - 2BodoiraSentimenti III penalty38' fp1 - 1
811/17/1940Juventus - Livorno2 - 1GoffiStua41' sp2 - 1
903/30/1941Juventus - Torino2 - 1BodoiraRava own goal40' fp1 - 1
1003/15/1942Juventus - Atalanta1 - 1CeresoliCorbelli38' sp0 - 1
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