Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Goals Scored
Mitropa Cup
106/17/1934Juventus - Teplice (RCE)4 - 2Borel IIPatzel29' fp1 - 1
206/17/1934Juventus - Teplice (RCE)4 - 2CesariniPatzel38' fp2 - 1
306/17/1934Juventus - Teplice (RCE)4 - 2CesariniPatzel42' fp3 - 1
406/17/1934Juventus - Teplice (RCE)4 - 2Ferrari G.Patzel13' sp4 - 2
507/29/1934Juventus - Admira Wien (AUT)2 - 1Borel IIPlatzer14' fp1 - 0
607/29/1934Juventus - Admira Wien (AUT)2 - 1OrsiPlatzer32' fp2 - 0
707/21/1935Juventus - Sparta Praha (RCE)3 - 1PrendatoKlenovec1' fp1 - 0
807/21/1935Juventus - Sparta Praha (RCE)3 - 1Borel IIKlenovec8' sp2 - 0
907/21/1935Juventus - Sparta Praha (RCE)3 - 1Borel IIKlenovec43' sp3 - 1
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