Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Serie A
111/01/1987Juventus - Avellino3 - 0Colantuono own goalDi Leo39' fp1 - 0
211/01/1987Juventus - Avellino3 - 0RushDi Leo30' sp2 - 0
311/01/1987Juventus - Avellino3 - 0AlessioDi Leo42' sp3 - 0
410/23/1988Ascoli - Juventus1 - 1LaudrupPazzagli24' sp1 - 1
501/08/1989Roma - Juventus1 - 3AltobelliTancredi12' fp0 - 1
601/08/1989Roma - Juventus1 - 3BarrosTancredi33' sp0 - 2
701/08/1989Roma - Juventus1 - 3Cabrini penaltyTancredi45' sp1 - 3
812/10/1989Juventus - Cesena1 - 1Fortunato D.Rossi S.35' fp1 - 0
904/08/1990Juventus - Cremonese4 - 0Napoli N.Violini2' fp1 - 0
1004/08/1990Juventus - Cremonese4 - 0SchillaciViolini20' fp2 - 0
1104/08/1990Juventus - Cremonese4 - 0AlessioViolini26' fp3 - 0
1204/08/1990Juventus - Cremonese4 - 0CasiraghiViolini18' sp4 - 0
1311/11/1990Bologna - Juventus0 - 1Baggio R. penaltyCusin20' sp0 - 1
1401/06/1991Juventus - Napoli1 - 0CasiraghiGalli G.42' sp1 - 0
1512/08/1991Juventus - Inter2 - 1Baggio R. penaltyZenga37' fp1 - 0
1612/08/1991Juventus - Inter2 - 1GalìaZenga38' sp2 - 0
1702/09/1992Milan - Juventus1 - 1CasiraghiRossi S.26' fp1 - 1
1811/22/1992Torino - Juventus1 - 2VialliMarchegiani L.31' sp1 - 1
1911/22/1992Torino - Juventus1 - 2Venturin own goalMarchegiani L.47' sp1 - 2
2004/17/1993Milan - Juventus1 - 3MöllerRossi S.13' fp1 - 1
2104/17/1993Milan - Juventus1 - 3MöllerRossi S.20' fp1 - 2
2204/17/1993Milan - Juventus1 - 3Baggio R.Rossi S.19' sp1 - 3
2309/08/1993Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 1Conte A.Pagliuca G.28' fp1 - 1
2409/08/1993Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 1Baggio R.Pagliuca G.2' sp2 - 1
2509/08/1993Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 1MöllerPagliuca G.19' sp3 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 28 Page 1 of 2