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Juventus Women
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Carlo (III) Barbieri
Matches played: National Division Championship
1Amic08/04/2022Juventus - Juventus2 - 04 
1' sp
2Amic08/10/2022Juventus - Sanremese0 - 159 
15' sp
3Amic08/14/2022Juventus - Chisola3 - 045 
1' sp
4Amic08/28/2022Fiorenzuola - Juventus0 - 345 
1' sp
5Amic07/29/2023Cagliari - Juventus3 - 045 
1' sp
6Amic08/05/2023Juventus - Asti2 - 045 
1' sp
7Amic08/13/2023Pro Vercelli - Juventus2 - 768 
24' sp
8Amic08/20/2023Juventus - Novara0 - 245 
1' sp
9Amic08/26/2023Alessandria - Juventus0 - 176 
32' sp
Show Rows 1-2 of 2 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Carlo (III) Barbieri