Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
Player Player Search
Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
Serie A
110/14/2017Juventus - Lazio1 - 2BuffonImmobile2' sp1 - 1
210/14/2017Juventus - Lazio1 - 2BuffonImmobile penalty9' sp1 - 2
301/27/2019Lazio - Juventus1 - 2SzczęsnyCan own goal14' sp1 - 0
412/07/2019Lazio - Juventus3 - 1SzczęsnyLuiz Felipe46' fp1 - 1
512/07/2019Lazio - Juventus3 - 1SzczęsnyMilinković-Savić S.29' sp2 - 1
612/07/2019Lazio - Juventus3 - 1SzczęsnyCaicedo50' sp3 - 1
707/20/2020Juventus - Lazio2 - 1SzczęsnyImmobile penalty38' sp2 - 1
811/08/2020Lazio - Juventus1 - 1SzczęsnyCaicedo45' sp1 - 1
903/06/2021Juventus - Lazio3 - 1SzczęsnyCorrea14' fp0 - 1
1010/24/2021Inter - Juventus1 - 1SzczęsnyDžeko17' fp1 - 0
1104/03/2022Juventus - Inter0 - 1SzczęsnyÇalhanoğlu penalty50' fp0 - 1
1211/26/2023Juventus - Inter1 - 1SzczęsnyMartínez33' fp1 - 1
1302/04/2024Inter - Juventus1 - 0SzczęsnyGatti F. own goal37' fp1 - 0
Show Rows 1-13 of 13 Page 1 of 1