Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
Player Player Search
Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
Friendlies and Tournaments Overall
1Amic06/14/1995Vicenza - Juventus4 - 4RampullaMurgita27' fp1 - 2
2Amic06/14/1995Vicenza - Juventus4 - 4RampullaDi Carlo penalty37' fp2 - 2
3Amic06/14/1995Vicenza - Juventus4 - 4SquizziCozza7' sp3 - 2
4Amic06/14/1995Vicenza - Juventus4 - 4SquizziPraticò37' sp4 - 3
5BMor08/07/1998Udinese - Juventus4 - 3De SanctisSosa23' fp1 - 1
6BMor08/07/1998Udinese - Juventus4 - 3De SanctisAmoroso37' fp2 - 1
7BMor08/07/1998Udinese - Juventus4 - 3De SanctisAmoroso penalty38' fp3 - 1
8BMor08/07/1998Udinese - Juventus4 - 3De SanctisAmoroso42' fp4 - 2
9RSM08/12/2000Juventus - Bologna0 - 1van der SarOlive23' fp0 - 1
10RSM07/30/2001Juventus - Bologna2 - 1BuffonJulio Cruz20' sp2 - 1
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