Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
Serie A
102/04/1996Vicenza - Juventus2 - 1RampullaOtero penalty18' fp1 - 0
202/04/1996Vicenza - Juventus2 - 1RampullaMurgita3' sp2 - 0
310/13/1996Vicenza - Juventus2 - 1RampullaOtero19' fp1 - 0
410/13/1996Vicenza - Juventus2 - 1RampullaBeghetto M.26' sp2 - 1
511/08/1998Udinese - Juventus2 - 2PeruzziBachini20' sp1 - 2
611/08/1998Udinese - Juventus2 - 2PeruzziSosa49' sp2 - 2
705/20/2001Bologna - Juventus1 - 4van der SarSignori20' fp1 - 0
804/13/2003Bologna - Juventus2 - 2BuffonJulio Cruz15' fp1 - 0
904/13/2003Bologna - Juventus2 - 2BuffonLocatelli29' sp2 - 0
1002/06/2005Palermo - Juventus1 - 0BuffonBrienza12' fp1 - 0
1101/06/2010Parma - Juventus1 - 2ManningerAmoruso N.26' fp1 - 1
1209/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4BuffonLazzari33' sp1 - 4
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