Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Allowed
Serie A
105/17/1987Juventus - Brescia3 - 2TacconiGritti penalty6' fp1 - 1
205/17/1987Juventus - Brescia3 - 2TacconiIorio41' fp2 - 2
309/06/1989Juventus - Fiorentina3 - 1TacconiKubík37' fp1 - 1
401/17/1990Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 2TacconiBaggio R. penalty18' sp1 - 2
501/17/1990Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 2TacconiBattistini27' sp2 - 2
602/16/1992Juventus - Atalanta2 - 1TacconiPiovanelli L.4' sp1 - 1
709/20/1992Genoa - Juventus2 - 2PeruzziPadovano45' fp1 - 1
809/20/1992Genoa - Juventus2 - 2PeruzziSkuhravý8' sp2 - 1
911/21/1993Juventus - Cagliari1 - 1PeruzziOliveira22' sp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-9 of 9 Page 1 of 1