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Sergio Manente
Goals Scored: Championship
Decisive goal
1SerA04/30/1949Juventus - Pro Patria4 - 3  YesVisco Gilardi33' sp4 - 3
2SerA05/15/1949Roma - Juventus0 - 1 YesYesRisorti16' sp0 - 1
3SerA10/03/1954Novara - Juventus2 - 2  YesPendibene45' sp2 - 2
4SerA11/07/1954Roma - Juventus1 - 1Yes YesMoro G.14' sp1 - 1
5SerA12/19/1954Juventus - Genoa2 - 1Yes YesFranzosi37' sp2 - 1
6SerA02/20/1955Juventus - Novara2 - 1Yes YesCorghi29' sp2 - 1
7SerA04/10/1955Torino - Juventus2 - 2Yes YesLovati18' fp1 - 2
8SerA04/24/1955Juventus - Inter3 - 2Yes YesGhezzi25' sp3 - 1
Show Rows 1-8 of 8 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Sergio Manente