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Juventus Women
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Leonardo Bonucci
Goals Scored: Championship
Second Period Goals Scored
1SerA04/07/2012Palermo - Juventus0 - 2 Yes Viviano12' sp0 - 1
2SerA10/30/2013Juventus - Catania4 - 0   Andújar26' sp4 - 0
3SerA01/05/2014Juventus - Roma3 - 0   De Sanctis4' sp2 - 0
4SerA10/05/2014Juventus - Roma3 - 2  YesSkorupski41' sp3 - 2
5SerA02/28/2016Juventus - Inter2 - 0 Yes Handanovič2' sp1 - 0
6SerA05/14/2016Juventus - Sampdoria5 - 0   Brignoli40' sp5 - 0
7SerA10/29/2016Juventus - Napoli2 - 1 YesYesReina5' sp1 - 0
8SerA03/05/2017Udinese - Juventus1 - 1  YesKarnezis15' sp1 - 1
9SerA04/23/2017Juventus - Genoa4 - 0   Lamanna19' sp4 - 0
10SerA09/29/2018Juventus - Napoli3 - 1   Ospina31' sp3 - 1
11SerA09/20/2020Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 0   Audero33' sp2 - 0
12SerA12/05/2020Juventus - Torino2 - 1  YesSirigu44' sp2 - 1
13SerA11/20/2021Lazio - Juventus0 - 2Yes  Reina38' sp0 - 2
14SerA05/01/2022Juventus - Venezia2 - 1  YesMäenpää31' sp2 - 1
15SerA09/11/2022Juventus - Salernitana2 - 2  YesSepe48' sp2 - 2
Show Rows 1-15 of 15 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Leonardo Bonucci