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Gino Stacchini
Goals Scored: Championship
Decisive goal
1SerA12/02/1956LR Vicenza - Juventus1 - 1 YesYesSentimenti IV41' fp0 - 1
2SerA11/17/1957Bologna - Juventus3 - 4  YesSantarelli13' sp1 - 3
3SerA02/23/1958Padova - Juventus1 - 1  YesPin34' sp1 - 1
4SerA10/26/1958Juventus - Talmone Torino4 - 3  YesVieri L.40' fp2 - 0
5SerA12/20/1959Udinese - Juventus1 - 1  YesBertossi43' fp1 - 1
6SerA05/01/1960Juventus - Udinese4 - 3  YesRomano Gia.38' fp1 - 1
7SerA02/26/1961Catania - Juventus1 - 2 YesYesGaspari6' sp0 - 1
8SerA01/28/1962Juventus - Spal2 - 1 YesYesPatregnani38' fp1 - 0
9SerA02/25/1962Inter - Juventus2 - 2  YesBuffon42' sp2 - 2
10SerA11/17/1963Juventus - Mantova2 - 2  YesZoff45' fp2 - 0
11SerA03/01/1964Roma - Juventus1 - 2 YesYesCudicini16' fp0 - 1
12SerA03/01/1964Roma - Juventus1 - 2  YesCudicini27' sp0 - 2
13SerA02/28/1965Bologna - Juventus1 - 1  YesNegri9' fp1 - 1
14SerA03/21/1965Juventus - Fiorentina1 - 0 YesYesAlbertosi38' fp1 - 0
15SerA05/09/1965Juventus - Roma1 - 0 YesYesMatteucci20' sp1 - 0
16SerA10/10/1965Catania - Juventus1 - 1 YesYesVavassori Giu.30' sp0 - 1
17SerA03/27/1966Fiorentina - Juventus0 - 1 YesYesAlbertosi44' fp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-17 of 17 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Gino Stacchini