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Bruno Genti
Matches played: Torneo FIAT
1Amic07/22/2007Juventus - Chinese Olympic (CIN)4 - 045 
1' sp
2Amic07/29/2007Newcastle United (ING) - Juventus2 - 072 
28' sp
3Amic08/11/2007Juventus - Roma5 - 290     
4Amic08/22/2007Juventus - Biellese4 - 090     
5Amic10/12/2007Young Boys (SVI) - Juventus1 - 190     
6Amic01/09/2008Valletta (MAL) - Juventus1 - 145 
1' sp
7Amic05/22/2008South China (HKO) - Juventus2 - 190     
8Amic05/30/2008Melbourne Victory (AUS) - Juventus1 - 465 
21' sp
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Bruno Genti