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Arturo Vidal
Goals Scored: Championship
Second Period Goals Scored
1SerA09/11/2011Juventus - Parma4 - 1   Mirante28' sp3 - 0
2SerA12/04/2011Juventus - Cesena2 - 0Yes  Rodríguez Gu.37' sp2 - 0
3SerA04/01/2012Juventus - Napoli3 - 0   De Sanctis30' sp2 - 0
4SerA04/29/2012Novara - Juventus0 - 4   Fontana5' sp0 - 3
5SerA10/28/2012Catania - Juventus0 - 1 YesYesAndújar12' sp0 - 1
6SerA04/21/2013Juventus - Milan1 - 0YesYesYesAmelia12' sp1 - 0
7SerA04/28/2013Torino - Juventus0 - 2 Yes Gillet41' sp0 - 1
8SerA05/05/2013Juventus - Palermo1 - 0YesYesYesSorrentino S.14' sp1 - 0
9SerA09/14/2013Inter - Juventus1 - 1  YesHandanovič30' sp1 - 1
10SerA12/22/2013Atalanta - Juventus1 - 4   Consigli35' sp1 - 4
11SerA02/02/2014Juventus - Inter3 - 1   Handanovič10' sp3 - 0
12SerA09/24/2014Juventus - Cesena3 - 0   Leali19' sp2 - 0
13SerA01/11/2015Napoli - Juventus1 - 3   Rafael49' sp1 - 3
Show Rows 1-13 of 13 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Arturo Vidal