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Pietro Anastasi
Goals Scored: Overall - 1973/74
First Period Goals Scored
1CI08/29/1973Juventus - Ascoli3 - 1 Yes Masoni20' fp1 - 0
2CI09/23/1973Juventus - Arezzo4 - 0   Alessandrelli30' fp2 - 0
3SerA11/25/1973Milan - Juventus2 - 2  YesVecchi43' fp1 - 1
4SerA02/10/1974Juventus - Napoli4 - 1   Carmignani20' fp2 - 0
5CI02/20/1974Juventus - Palermo1 - 1 YesYesGirardi S.5' fp1 - 0
6SerA04/07/1974Cesena - Juventus0 - 2 Yes Boranga6' fp0 - 1
7SerA05/05/1974Roma - Juventus3 - 2   Conti P.16' fp1 - 1
8SerA05/12/1974Juventus - Fiorentina3 - 1 Yes Superchi9' fp1 - 0
9SerA05/19/1974LR Vicenza - Juventus0 - 3 Yes Sulfaro1' fp0 - 1
10SerA05/19/1974LR Vicenza - Juventus0 - 3   Sulfaro8' fp0 - 2
11SerA05/19/1974LR Vicenza - Juventus0 - 3   Sulfaro38' fp0 - 3
Show Rows 1-11 of 11 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Pietro Anastasi