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Pietro Anastasi
Goals Scored: Overall - 1969/70
Second Period Goals Scored
1CdF10/01/1969Lokomotiv Plovdiv (BUL) - Juventus1 - 2  YesBonchev31' sp1 - 2
2CI10/22/1969Juventus - Foggia2 - 1  YesCrespan24' sp2 - 0
3SerA11/30/1969Juventus - Fiorentina2 - 0   Superchi20' sp2 - 0
4SerA01/11/1970Palermo - Juventus1 - 3   Ferretti G.27' sp1 - 3
5SerA01/18/1970Juventus - Verona Hellas3 - 0   Pizzaballa41' sp3 - 0
6SerA02/08/1970Torino - Juventus0 - 3   Pinotti44' sp0 - 3
7SerA02/15/1970Juventus - LR Vicenza4 - 0   Pianta26' sp3 - 0
8SerA03/15/1970Juventus - Cagliari2 - 2Yes YesAlbertosi21' sp2 - 1
9SerA04/05/1970Juventus - Brescia1 - 0 YesYesGalli46' sp1 - 0
10SerA04/18/1970Juventus - Roma1 - 1YesYesYesGinulfi2' sp1 - 0
Show Rows 1-10 of 10 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Pietro Anastasi