Juventus Next Gen
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Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2023/24 Search Players 2023/24
Goals Scored
Italian Cup
112/08/2011Juventus - Bologna2 - 1GiaccheriniAgliardi45' sp1 - 0
212/08/2011Juventus - Bologna2 - 1Marchisio C.Agliardi13' fet2 - 1
301/24/2012Juventus - Roma3 - 0GiaccheriniStekelenburg6' fp1 - 0
401/24/2012Juventus - Roma3 - 0Del PieroStekelenburg30' fp2 - 0
501/24/2012Juventus - Roma3 - 0Kjær own goalStekelenburg45' sp3 - 0
603/20/2012Juventus - Milan2 - 2Del PieroAmelia28' fp1 - 0
703/20/2012Juventus - Milan2 - 2VučinićAmelia6' fet2 - 2
812/12/2012Juventus - Cagliari1 - 0Giovinco S.Avramov12' sp1 - 0
901/09/2013Juventus - Milan2 - 1Giovinco S.Amelia12' fp1 - 1
1001/09/2013Juventus - Milan2 - 1VučinićAmelia5' fet2 - 1
1101/22/2013Juventus - Lazio1 - 1PelusoMarchetti18' sp1 - 0
1212/18/2013Juventus - Avellino3 - 0Giovinco S.Di Masi7' fp1 - 0
1312/18/2013Juventus - Avellino3 - 0CáceresDi Masi17' fp2 - 0
1412/18/2013Juventus - Avellino3 - 0QuagliarellaDi Masi35' fp3 - 0
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