Juventus Next Gen
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Goals Allowed
Serie A - 1970/71
102/14/1971Juventus - Verona Hellas2 - 1TancrediTancredi own goal7' fp1 - 1
203/07/1971Juventus - Napoli4 - 1TancrediZurlini13' sp3 - 1
303/21/1971Juventus - Torino3 - 3TancrediCereser penalty15' fp1 - 1
403/21/1971Juventus - Torino3 - 3TancrediRampanti27' fp1 - 2
503/21/1971Juventus - Torino3 - 3TancrediCereser penalty34' sp3 - 3
604/04/1971Juventus - Varese2 - 2PiloniRimbano17' sp2 - 1
704/04/1971Juventus - Varese2 - 2PiloniCarelli43' sp2 - 2
804/18/1971Juventus - Inter1 - 1PiloniBedin34' sp1 - 1
905/02/1971Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 1PiloniSabadini27' sp3 - 1
1005/23/1971Juventus - Fiorentina1 - 1PiloniVitali A.14' sp0 - 1
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